127 W Locust St
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127 W Locust St

127 West Locust Street, Canton, IL 61520

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Property location

127 West Locust Street, Canton, IL 61520

Pricing and availability

Last updated 3 months ago

No units available


    Property details

    This property is available on a rent-to-own basis. Take advantage of our Low Down / Low Monthly Rent to Own program. For just $1,000 Down and $995.00 a Month, you can start on the path to home ownership. A minimum of $3,900.00 (net/bring home) of monthly documented income is required to qualify. Tenant is responsible for all maintenance, repairs and utilities. We require one year of good rental history, at least 90 days on your current job and proof of income. Contact Shannon at (310) 569-3906 for more details, questions or to setup a showing. If I am unavailable, please leave a clear message with the property address and I will contact you back within 48 hours.

    Income requirement
    Must have 3x the rent in total household income (before taxes)